Monday, November 25, 2019
Driver Education Key Vocabulary for English Learners
Driver Education Key Vocabulary for English Learners Many ESL speakers and learners are required to take driver education courses to obtain their driver license from the DMV (Department of Motor Vehicles). In the United States, each state DMV provides a different written test (for example the California DMV has a different test than the Florida DMV or the NY DMV). International driver licenses also sometimes require a written test. The key vocabulary provided is based on a standard DMV written test and is broken up into categories such as Nouns (Persons, Types of Vehicles, Dangerous Situations, etc.) Verbs, and Descriptive Phrases. Study these keywords to help you or your classes better understand driving manuals and driver education courses. Key DMV Driver Education Vocabulary: Nouns Persons bicyclistdriverofficerpassengerspedestrianspoliceman Key DMV Driver Education Vocabulary: Types of Vehicles and Car Parts bicyclebrakechainsequipmentheadlightslightsmirrormotorcyclepickup trucklicense plateseatsignalssteeringtirestow trucktruckvehiclewindshield Key DMV Driver Education Vocabulary: Dangerous Situations accidentalcoholcollisionconvictioncrashdangerdrugsemergencyevidencefoghazardinjuryinsuranceintoxicantslawsoffensereactionriskwarning Key DMV Driver Education Vocabulary: Driving arrowdistanceDMV (Department of Motor Vehicles)documentDUII (Driving while Under the Influence of an Intoxicant)guideID (Identification)identificationinstructionlicensespeed limitmovementpermitprivilegeregistrationrestrictionsrequirementssignsspeeding Key DMV Driver Education Vocabulary: Roads crosswalkcurvecurbdistrictdrivewayexitfreewayhighwayintersectionlanepavementrailroadramproadwayroundaboutroutesidewalkstop lightsstop signtraffic lights More Key DMV Driver Education Vocabulary Key DMV Driver Education Vocabulary: Verbs approach a roadavoid an accidentbe alert while drivingbrake a car (step on the brakes)change laneschange lanes, tirescheck, look into mirrorcrash into somethingcross a roaddamage somethingdrive a car, drive defensivelyenforce a lawexit a roadfollow a car or vehiclehit a car, an objectinjure a personinsureà a vehicle or carmerge onto a roadobey a layobtain a permit or licenseoperate a vehicleovertake a car or vehiclepass a car or vehicleprotect passengersreact to a situationreduce speedrefuse to take a testride in a carshow identificationsignal a turnskid on the roadspeed (drive above the speed limit)steer a car or vehiclestop a car or vehicleturn a car or vehiclewarn another driverwear safety beltsyield to (oncoming) traffic Key DMV Driver Education Vocabulary: Descriptive Words (Adjectives) and Phrases amber lightsapproaching car or vehiclebehind somethingcommercial vehicleconvicted driverdisabled passengerflashing lightshazardous situationinterstate freewayintoxicated driverlegal documentlicensing departmentmanual transmissiononcoming trafficone-way streetout-of-state license plate, driverpedestrian crosswalkposted signprohibited by law, movementrecreational vehiclereduced speedreplacement tirerequired by law, equipmentsafety feature, seatslippery roadsteering wheelstraight roadsuspended licensetwo-way streetunsafe driving, driver, vehiclevalid drivers licensewarning signals, lights
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